Open Collective is preferred way for donating to Ubuntu Budgie. By using Open Collective you have even better view and transparency on how donated money is spent and on what. Open Collective ensures full transparency on Ubuntu Budgie’s financial status, including received donations, paid expenses, and more.
Recurring donations and custom, one time donations are both available.
Special thanks to our fiscal host, accountable
Paypal and Patreon are still active, but we would like to encourage our supporters to use Open Collective. Open Collective ensures lower commission fees, therefore maximum impact of your donation.
We support opensource and any money raised will go towards opensource developers as well as Ubuntu Budgie itself.
Full Transparency is our goal! Patreon donations will be made visible on confirmation of the donation received at the beginning of the next month. Paypal donations will appear ASAP after the donation is received
We mainly invest your donations to provide you a better product. We also would love to give back something to our loyal developers and pay bills, of course. Ubuntu Budgie puts you, our community, in the spotlight.
To Date your donations have helped to fund the following:
- Purchase of the URL for one year (2016)
- Purchase of the URL for four years (2016-2020)
- three year extension (2017-2020)
- Transfer of from WordPress to Godaddy (2017-2020) – fully funded
Server fees for 2017 & 2018 – fully funded by our sponsor DigitalOcean
Server fees for 2019 – pending sponsorship
Longterm Goal: LTS Status. From 18.04 Long-term-support is an option that Ubuntu Budgie would love to provide to all of its users. To be able to-do this we need to commit to a financially sound 3 year model for each LTS release – that is – be able to commit to support for three years or more.
- Expected costs for 2018 – 2020 fully funded(18.04 LTS)
- Expected costs for 2021 – 2022 fully funded (20.04 LTS)
- Expected costs for 2023 – not funded (22.04 LTS)
Ubuntu Budgie puts you – our community – front and center in everything we do.You can also support Ubuntu Budgie by buying Ubuntu Budgie merchandise from our official store available on Zazzle. Ubuntu Budgie Store